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1 - Global API Reference
We provide a global set of Builtin functions
// MakeKSUID make a ID
func MakeKSUID() string
// MapKeys Traverse m callback key to f
func MapKeys(m any, f func(k any))
// WatchKick kick off uid
func WatchKick(watchuid string, uid string)
// WatchClear clear all watch
func WatchClear(watchuid string)
And we also provide the Go plugin method to support more functions.
Generate api.*.so files by writing plug-ins to support more functions for server-side script codes When the api starts, it will search for api.*.so and add all of them to become available functions of the script This “lockval” plugin can click here to view the source code
After loading some plugins. Your plugin will be in G[“YourPluginName”]
How to use, let’s give a simple example:
import { Dict, DBOperate } from "../libs/lockvalserver"
export function main(input: DBOperate<any>) {
let c=globalThis.G["lockval"].Sum("a","b")
return { Hello: globalThis.Builtin.MakeKSUID() }
return require("umd").define({
}, function(exports, helper)
function exports.main(input)
local c = _G.G["lockval"].Sum("a","b")
return {Hello = _G.Builtin.MakeKSUID()}
def main(input):
return {"Hello":globalThis.Builtin.MakeKSUID()}
2 - Main API Reference
In the call main function, there is a parameter, which we usually define as the variable “input”, which provides the following members and methods. Because the bottom layer of Lockval Engine is implemented in Go, we directly show the Go code
UID string // Which user called (call,login,watch)
KSUID string // system call ID (system call)
Info string // login Info(login)
WATCHUID string // Which ID to observe (watch)
Requ map[string]any // User Request Parameters (call)
Json any // Json object
GetResp *GetAndLockResp // Data returned from GetAndLock
Throw func(Code int, Error string) // Throw throw an error to the client
Log func(v any) // Log Output an arbitrary data to the console
Sleep func(ms int64, ksuid, cmd string, obj any) // Sleep Call cmd("xxx/xxx", obj) after timing ms, ksuid:must have value
GetSubValAll func(id, key string) *GetOpt // GetSubValAll Get all the data of the key
GetAndLock func() // GetAndLock Acquire and lock (can only be called once)
DiscardAndUnlock func() (resp *PutAndUnlockResp) // DiscardAndUnlock discard all edits (can only be called once)
PutAndUnlock func() (resp *PutAndUnlockResp) // PutAndUnlock change and unlock (can only be called once)
GetSubVal func(id, key string, subkeys ...string) *GetOpt // GetSubVal Get some data, when the subkeys are empty, it is to get all
PutSubVal func(id, key string, kvs ...string) *PutOpt // PutSubVal set key value
The code can be viewed here:
How to use, let’s give a simple example:
import { Dict, DBOperate } from "../libs/lockvalserver"
export function main(input: DBOperate<any>) {
input.GetSubVal(input.UID, "mBase", "Count")
let c = input.GetResp.IDKey[input.UID]?.KeySub["mBase"]?.SubVal["Count"]
let ci = Number(c)
c = ci.toString()
input.PutSubVal(input.UID, "mBase", "Count", c)
return { Hello: "JS" }
return require("umd").define({
}, function(exports, helper)
function exports.main(input)
input.GetSubVal(input.UID, "mBase", "Count")
local c = helper.GetResp(input, input.UID, "mBase", "Count")
if c == "" then
c = "0"
local ci = tonumber(c)
ci = ci + 1
c = tostring(ci)
input.PutSubVal(input.UID, "mBase", "Count", c)
local retval = {}
retval.Hello = "Lua"
return retval
def main(input):
input.GetSubVal(input.UID, "mBase", "Count")
c = input.GetResp.IDKey[input.UID].KeySub["mBase"].SubVal["Count"]
if c=="":
ci = int(c)
c = str(ci)
input.PutSubVal(input.UID, "mBase", "Count", c)
return {"Hello":"Starlark"}
package usr
import (
func (e export) Export_testBaseCount(input *go2plugin.Input) map[string]any {
input.GetSubVal(input.UID, "mBase", "Count")
c := helper.GetResp(input, input.UID, "mBase", "Count")
ci, _ := strconv.Atoi(c)
c = strconv.Itoa(ci)
input.PutSubVal(input.UID, "mBase", "Count", c)
return map[string]any{"Hello": "Go"}